The Concepts Of The Philosophy Of Nursing Practice

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1. Concept. 1. Philosophy of nursing practice The concept of philosophy of nursing practice is taken from module 1.1 of Medical surgical nursing elective MNET 3, with the title introduction to nursing and sub-titled philosophy, objectives of nursing. Nursing should be distinguished by its philosophy of care particularly its approach to the well-being of clients is ultimately the end purpose of nursing. Philosophy of nursing states our thoughts on what we believe to be true about the nature of the profession of nursing and provide a basis for nursing activities. 1.1. PERSONAL CONCEPT A philosophy is a statement of beliefs that include one’s behaviour and in this case, influence the practice of nursing. Philosophy is a science that comprises of logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics and theory of knowledge. Until the nurse has knowledge of self, it is difficult to state beliefs to guide nursing practice. Several concepts must be discussed in any nursing philosophy, these include human beings, health, illness, and nursing. . Now nurses have many roles, such as care takers, decision makers, advocates and teachers and they often assume several roles at the same time. Because of the diversity of nursing role nurses need a philosophy of nursing to guide their practice. The practice of nursing is the care of patients through a professional interpersonal relationship. Nurses apply behavioural scientific principles, biologic scientific principles, and principles of humanism in a