Influence Nursing Practice And My Personal Philosophy Of Nursing

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Philosophy of Nursing Introduction Nursing is a discipline that is guided by philosophical orientations that create a base for the development of nursing theories that translate into clinical practice. McEwen and Wills (2014) state, “rather than focus on solving problems or answering questions related to that discipline, the philosophy of a discipline studies the concepts that structure the thought process of that discipline with the intent of recognizing and revealing foundations and presuppositions” (p. 6). Nursing philosophy embodies knowledge acquisition and cultivates professionalism within the profession. Through philosophy, nurses have gained knowledge and have discovered the true value of nursing practice. The purpose of this paper is to describe how nursing’s philosophical foundations influence nursing practice and my personal philosophy. My Philosophy I have always viewed nursing as an art; throughout history, nurses have derived conceptual models and theories from other disciplines to create nursing theories and apply them to clinical practice. “As nursing theoretical thinking has evolved, there has been a need to embrace both the practical aspects of practice while dealing with those questions that have classically been the purview of philosophy” (Pesut & Johnson, 2007, p. 116). In nursing, the term philosophy is viewed as the quest for answers to those questions that bring practice into perspective. By closely examining the conceptual framework of nursing, we

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