The Concepts Of Traditional Moralism And Traditional Utilitarianism

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1. What is traditional utilitarianism? With traditional utilitarianism, how do you determine what the moral thing to do on any particular occasion might be? Include mention of the four (4) considerations to determine what the moral thing to do on any particular occasion might be. Traditional utilitarianism is defined as an action that is right if and only if, the sum total of utilities produced is more than any other utilities produced by another act the agent could have performed in its place; this is from an ethical point of view. Traditional Utilitarianism was generally considered to be founded by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Utilitarian principles assumes that we can measure and add together the quantities of benefits made by a certain action and then measure and subtract from those benefits the quantities of harm the action will produce. Utilitarian principles states that the right act in a given situation is the one that produces the greatest utilities than another act. The act will only be right if it produces the most utility for all the persons affected by the action, including the person who performed the act. It also states, that not only direct and immediate consequences must be taken into consideration, but also all foreseeable future cost and benefits each alternative will have on each individual. Any insignificant indirect effect must be taken into account as well. To determine a morally right action the utilitarian’s implies, all the utility of all

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