The Constellation of Pegasus The constellation I have picked as my favourite is that of the winged horse Pegasus. The reason I have chosen this constellation is because I think Pegasus is an inspiring creature in many ways. As opposed to many mortals, gods and other creatures in Greek mythology Pegasus seems to be a creature with little flaws. The stars that form the constellation of Pegasus are Alpheratz, Markab, Scheat, Agenib, Enif, Homam, Matar, Baham, Sadalbari, 51 Pegasi and IK Pegasi. In picture 1 the constellation is shown. In the northern hemisphere Pegasus appears in the end of summer and it travels through during autumn. Picture 1: The constellation of Pegasus Pegasus was born when Perseus decapitated the monster Medusa. From …show more content…
"Mighty steed", Zeus proclaimed, I must ask a favour of you. Asteria, the titan goddess of prophecies and falling stars, is fed up with my advances. She has sent a star to destroy Mount Olympus! Pegasus, I need you to intercept it with one of my lightning bolts before it reaches the atmosphere. Pegasus snorted."Seriously?" He thought. "Does Zeus have any idea how physically challenging this task is? However, he could not just let that star hit Mount Olympus. That would mean world destruction! And all this, just because Zeus did not know when a women just is not that into him." He nodded his head as a sign of acceptance. "Wonderful!" Zeus said enthusiastically. "Here is the lightning bolt, have a safe trip!" Pegasus started flying, the lightning bolt pressed in his back …show more content…
His wings were starting to tingle. "Just keep going". He kept thinking to himself. "I have to keep going". And then, after another two days, he spotted it. In the far distance a fireball closing in. "This is it!" He bend sideways to pick up the lightning bolt from his back, but the long flight had made him stiff. "Come on!" He thought. "This cannot be happening!" The fireball was getting way too close. He started to feel the heat. The bolt was sizzling on his back. His head was spinning. And then it hit him. "The last time I did this it was because of that stupid insect stinging me, but now it is the only way!" He bucked as hard as he could. The bolt flew of his back. As fast as he could Pegasus turned around and started flying with all the power he had left in is wings. Behind him the bolt and the star had met each other. "Bang!" The huge explosion blew him off his course. But the star had been intercepted, just like Zeus had asked. "Mount Olympus is safe, for now. It is time to get back" He started on his journey back, but in half his original speed. A couple of the feathers on his left wing were scorched, and he was so tired. Then, everything went