The Controversy Between Sensation And Perception

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From day to day we gather and process various stimuli through sensations and perception. Sensation is the process in which we receive and transform the information gathered and transferred into an impulse, which is then sent to the brain (King, 2016). Perception is the orderly and meaningful process that helps us to understand the stimuli inputted from our senses (King, 2016). Sensation is the stimuli gathered, while the perception is the meaning of the stimuli. Everyone does gather and give meaning differently depending on their mind set. For example, the controversy about “the dress”, is it white and gold or is it blue and black? When I first heard of this controversy and how it was sweeping the nation, I was baffled. I thought “it is clearly …show more content…

First, I start with size constancy, which is the process in which we recognize that an object will remain the same size even though our view of the object may change (King, 2016). An example of this would be my book bag. I always know exactly the size my bag is when I’m looking for it no matter where its located, because I have recognition of the size and where it could fit. Second is shape constancy, which is the process in which our view may change of the object, from the top or side for example, even though the size of the object remains the same. An example of this would be a flat screen T.V. Viewing the T.V. from the front or the side, I know its shape does not change. Third and final perceptual constancy is color constancy, which is recognizing that an objects color remains the same just looks different depending on the lighting (King, 2016). An example of this would be my skin because no matter if it was sunny or dark outside, my skin will consistently remain white. Furthermore, color constancy and its effect on the mind contributes to the versatile viewings of that controversial