The Controversy In American History: The Pre-Civil War

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The pre–Civil War years (1820–1860, or the “antebellum years”) were among the foremost chaotic in American history—a time of great changes that occurred because the us came elderly. throughout these years, the state was reworked from a underdeveloped nation of farmers And frontiersmen into an urban economic powerhouse. because the industrial North and also the agricultural South grew more apart, 5 major trends dominated American economic, social, and political life throughout this era. One massive downside was the controversy over slavery—the most dissentious issue the state had nonetheless Janus-faced. Between 1820 and 1860, additional and additional northerners came to comprehend the horrors and injustices of slavery, whereas southerners grew more and more dependent upon it to support their cotton-based economy. Northerners didn 't essentially need social and political equality for blacks; they sought-after simply their release. the controversy in politics targeted totally on the westward enlargement of slavery, that southern elites saw as very important to the survival of their blue social and economic order. Others vehemently opposed the …show more content…

A third reason for secession was as a result of the north told the south that they might not splinter. Document five states that Lincoln said that “Government cannot for survive with half slave, half free states.” However, the south states that The individuals of the State of South geographical region, in Convention assembled, on the twenty sixth day of April, A.D. 1852, declared that the frequent violations of the Constitution of the us, by the national, and its encroachments upon the reserved rights of the States, absolutely even this State in then retreating from the Federal Union; however in deference to the opinions and needs of the opposite slaveholding States, she forbore at that point to exercise this right. Since that point, these encroachments have continued to extend, and more forbearance ceases to be a