
The Cottage Industry In The Pre-Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution was the beginning of economic growth and was a stimulating era within the United States. During the pre-industrial times, there was a formation of individual or family owner(s) that handmade products or goods that was created for an individual consumer, known as the “Cottage Industry”. These individuals could be their own bosses and live any were while creating and making their products or goods. To accurately narrate and develop a solid theory on the advantages and disadvantages of the “cottage industry”, this era of time must be understood. Some of the disadvantages to this type of production was being able to meet the supply and demand of the products or goods because of the time it took to produce only one item …show more content…

Usually, the was a limit to the resources and tools that the owner(s) had on hand, too. There were complications when breakage happened to the owner(s) equipment because replacement or repairs could often be a breaking point to the owner’s ability to continue their businesses. The cost of goods was usually higher within the “cottage industry” because of not having the ability of buying materials or supplies in greater quantities. There many advantages to the “cottage industry” such being able to working from home, lower overhead, benefit to the local economy, as well quality made products. The “cottage industry” began to decline after the war in 1812 and the Embargo Act which barred the export of products between other countries and the United States. This act caused the supply and demand for products to be produced at a faster rate than individual or family owners could handle. The war of 1812 also brought about the need for freedom, a better set of labor laws and capital for a young and growing United States. Thus, created the need for the “Industrial …show more content…

With the shift from hand production to machine dependence it led to the ongoing issue of unemployment. More and more people chased the almighty dollar wanting more and more becoming greedy in many ways. More and more public functions and gatherings started to slowly diminish due to the fact no one could or would attend for the purposes of making money resulting in diminishing social lives. Social classes emerged from the powerful wealthy people, to the middleclass, to the lower class families. Family members would be required to work to pay for luxuries and now utilities. The Industrial Revolution ultimately caused the American Society to change forever, due to changes in wealth, social status, and styles of

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