The Count Of Monte Cristo Quote Analysis

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There is one entity that humans seem to embrace more than life itself in society. It tears away at our hearts and makes us vulnerable to suffering, yet we still worship it. We crave it. We as people have created in our minds a deadly poison; a poison without a cure. The root of wickedness comes out of the cruelty of humanity and its love for money. Yes, money, the thing that keeps you up at night wondering if you will be able to feed yourself the next day. In The Count of Monte Cristo, the love of money is the root of all evil because of the portrayal of the society by the author, reign of Napoleon, and actions of the Antagonists.
Essentially, Money does not exist. It is simply an idea that society agrees on. In the economy of Paris, money …show more content…

Caderousse is one prime example: “Poverty can drive a man to beg or steal a loaf of bread, but not break open a writing desk in a house he believes to be uninhabited” (Dumas 335). He could never get enough gold to please him, which caused him to kill his wife and a banker. That is as evil as a person can get. However, Baron Danglers had wealth, but didn’t want to significantly spend it. Danglers went as far as to leave his wife over a payment he did not want to pay the next day. “I am leaving today in order to avoid that tomorrow which would be unbearably disagreeable to me” (Dumas 454). Both men let greed fill their hearts to the bitter end. They did not love money, they worshiped it.
The love of money, the root of all wickedness, has transformed our earth into a corrupt nation, a people without a moral sense, and a society of very chaotic and greedy human beings. The same idea resides in The Count of Monte Cristo. The reader takes a dive through a corrupt society, terrible leaders, and greedy antagonists. We have created a deadly poison; a poison without a cure. The Count of Monte Cristo displays more of that poison than