The Crucible Argumentative Essay

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Beliefs seem to be the core of all the unfortunate things going on in the world today. Many extremists try to force their religion on others with violence, and it is becoming a problem. Many people tend to use religion to their advantage to gain power. On the other hand religion can be used to help individuals through hard times and to gain salvation. Overall, the positive aspects of religion outweigh the negative aspects.

The Crucible, was based in puritanical times, where they believed that God wanted the Puritans to live by the scriptures. They forbade any enjoyment such as anything “resembling theater,” to not tempt sinning (Miller). There are instances where religion was used to gain power and land. For example, in the process of naming names, many of the puritans would accuse their neighbors of witchcraft in order to accumulate his or her land. The motive behind the puritans did not seem to be about being holy and living for the lord. For example, Abigail used her religion and how strongly the puritans believe in the good …show more content…

The only way to not get thrown in jail and or execution is to confess to witchery. In fact, Puritans who were accused of witchcraft did not indeed do it. One of the many scriptures that puritans follow is to not lie but, in the court telling the truth and saying there was no proof of witchcraft was punishable by death. For instance John Proctor decided to stand up to the court and express to them that the witches were made up by Abigail and her friends to get attention. As a result, Proctor was put death because “[he has] most certainly seen some people with the devil”(Miller) , his ideas of witches being made up was contempt of court. In these instances religion can be negative. In The Crucible, religion caused innocents to be killed because of superstition and strong