The Culper Spy Network Created By George Washington

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The Culper Spy Ring

The Culper Spy Rings was a spy network started by George Washington to get information about the British, during the Revolutionary War. The Patriots (colonists) were fighting against the British, in this war. The Patriots hoped to gain freedom from Britain, liberty, and equality by winning the war. Since the Patriots forces were only the colonists, they didn’t have a lot of weapons or people on their side, and the people they did have were not well trained to fight. However, France soon started sending weapons and troops to America to help the Patriots, who were being led by George Washington. These force were still not enough to win, so Washington started to rely more on his spies.

In 1776, Nathan Hale was hanged …show more content…

“In November 1778, George Washington appointed Major Benjamin Tallmadge as director of military intelligence, charged with creating a spy ring in New York City, the site of British headquarters” (Victoria Williams). Tallmadge choose to get together a small group of trusted friends. Most of these people were Tallmadge’s old classmates, such as Caleb Brewster and Abraham …show more content…

Most of the time Tallmadge would have a courier bring the messages that last part of the way, which would end with Washington getting the message. Even though, this process of getting the messages to Washington was very long, it was also very effective. The Culper Ring used codes and invisible ink to hide the messages and used numbers instead of names. “Even Washington was ignorant of the spies' identities” (Mount Vernon Staff). In those five years of the culper ring not even one of its spies were unmasked because of all the precautions they took.

The Culper Ring has been given credit for uncovering many things but one of the most famous is about a surprise attack that the British wanted to launch on a French Fleet that came to help the Patriots. When Washington was told about the attack he sent extra forces there and the British canceled the attack. If this had not happened then the alliance between France and the Patriots might have been destroyed and the entire war might have ended