The Culture Of The New Capitalism Summary

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I am going to introduce the book called the Culture of the New Capitalism written by Richard Sennet. The type of the book is literature. The author Richard Sennett suggests the impacts of modern capitalism brought toward the society and the employees. Richard Sennet mentions the new capitalism mainly involves of three subjects which are institutions, talents and consumptions. He focuses on whether these three patterns can set people free and bring more freedom and stability to the modern world. This book report focuses on the resolution of the new capitalism leads to the distort of stability and freedom. This book is related to the course globalisation and the changing middle class in two aspects. First, this book shows the differences in …show more content…

Max Weber stated that the social capitalism is militarisation. This military capitalism allows the society to chase for freedom and stability. Nonetheless, in my view, his thought is too ideal and he only foresees the short-term outcome. Undoubtedly, it achieves the goal at the beginning. After the implementation of military capitalism, people are offered a specific working position. Its target is to let everyone behaves well on their parts in order to obtain a stable society. As people behave well under this movement, it helps gain more profits and stimulate the growth of economy. Then this concept starts to immerse into economy and brings benefits to the development of economy. However, human beings are greedy and always hungry for more profits. After a taste of the economy upturn, the institutions target at more profits and long-term profits. Here comes the problem, as people become more materialistic, they are more willing to scarify what they had and ask for return. Under these circumstances, people can no longer have a stable …show more content…

Richard Sennet mentioned for the society and institutions which adopt the military capitalism have a pyramid structure. To me, I agree with the author to certain extend. The principal of militarisation comes from militarism which consists of fewer capitals and more soldiers. With fewer people at a higher position and more people at a lower position, the structure likes a pyramid. After the influences of the new capitalism, this structure applies to most of the firms and society. However, I prefer using food chain to describe this structure instead of pyramid. The similarities between these two are the upper level are people with higher authority while the lower level are those who have lower power. For food chain, there is a additional condition, in which predation relationship is existing. In a food chain, if they want to survive, they will predate the lower level. This is similar to people who want to strive for a upper level in obtaining a more powerful authority. Living in such society, are people still secured? In addition, such pyramid or food chain acts as a cage. People and labours living in this cage must follow the instructions given by the seniors. They must stay tightly in their own positions with specific technologies and skills. They cannot move to other workplaces in which they are interested. Is this the freedom that the society wants? To both questions, probably the answer are