The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time

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The novel “the curious incident of the dog in the night-time” is about a boy named Christopher John Francis Bonne that is taking on an investigation that includes the death of a dog, and this took place in United Kingdom. This novel relates to our world, because of some fantastic global leaders, which are creating new resources for the world. Some of the global leaders include; Ashton Kutcher, Jeremy Keefe, Ameera Shah,Victoria Ransom and Hugh Evans. These global leaders have done amazing jobs for themselves and the world. The book relates to these people because of one of the characters, who has even contributed some amazing thoughts for the world. Christopher John Francis Bonne, and he is on an investigation, about a dog named Wellington. Christopher is a child who has a disease called Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental disease, which generally occurs in late or early adulthood, but it can appear any time in life. It is one of the brain disease which includes, delusions, loss of personality, confusion, agitation, social withdrawal, and bizarre behaviour. Even though he is brilliant in Mathematics, and he could solve any problem on the spot but because of his illness Christopher is unable to understand human emotions. During the investigation, Christopher got to know about some …show more content…

In this novel, he is talking about how a boy, who has a mental issue and how he is supporting the world, by telling the truth to the police about the incident about Wellington. Christopher was mature enough to tell the truth to the police, when he was leaving for London. As Christopher found out that his dad was the person who killed the dog he decided to leave for London, because he was feeling unsafe living in the safe roof with his dad. On his way to London, one of the policeman was really kind to guide his way to London, and during the conversation Christopher told the truth to the policeman about his dad murdering