
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time By Mark Haddon

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More than just a death of a dog
Studies show that the number of youth who is reading for fun have reduced in these last few years. It can depend on that social medias have taken more place in our free time, or there are just lack of recommendations about which novel to read and whether it is a good novel or not. In the latest period, I ensure that you have heard about the famous novel “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time” by Mark Haddon, but is it a good novel to spend time on or not?

Firstly, if you expected a novel, which is not the same as any other one you have read before, then I strongly recommend you to read this novel. You would suspect it is a detective novel with some horror about finding who has killed the dog and you might judge: “It is bored”, which is exactly what I was doing when I first have received the book. Therefore, let me inform you one important thing, it is much more than just a death of a dog that you would have suspected. From the poor dog who was killed on the street, the …show more content…

By this way of telling story, we can easily understand what was inside the narrator’s head. It makes us have more empathic and more understanding to other people who has the same syndrome as Christopher. While reading the novel, you could feel that you were inside his head and you will get the comprehension of what he thinks, how he thinks and why he thinks that. Personally, I am very interested in what is on other peoples mind so I just love the way Mark Haddon described Christopher’s thoughts and created all the stories. Personally, I think it is much more than just a novel because it taught us about friendship, about love, about parenthood, about motivation, about having courage, and the most important thing of all, about having respect to other people who is tragically drabbed for

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