The Danger Of A Single Story Summary

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One difference between ‘Nikki Rosa’ and ‘The Danger of a Single Story’ is that Nikki Rosa’s story is a poem and Adichie’s is a speech. You can tell by the way that they look. With Nikki’s poem the lines don’t go all the way to the edge, her poem also rhymes. With Adichie, she made a speech, her speech does not rhyme, her text is much larger than Nikki’s. That is one of the many differences between ‘Nikki Rosa’ and ‘The Danger of a Single Story’.

One similarity between “The Danger of a Single Story” and “Only Daughter”, they are both telling their stories. They are saying how there life has played out. For example, Adichie says, “I grew up on a university campus in eastern Nigeria.”, Sandra says, “I am the only daughter in a mexican family