Pros And Cons Of School Shootings

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It was on February 14, 2018 when Nikolas Cruz walked into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. He opened fire and in the end, 17 people were killed. Although there had been several school shootings that had already happened before, like the Columbine High school shooting where 13 people died, the recent incident at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida caused a turning point in history because students all around the country were sick of constantly being in danger. In the articles, “Students plan Denver march focused on school safety” and “Organizers plan for 500,000 attendees at ‘March For Our Lives’ gun-control march in Washington,” students around the US are gathering together to voice their fear, …show more content…

This solution, like most things, has it pros and cons. Arming teachers sounds extreme but with this past shooting that happened and all the threats schools have received, we’re reaching the point in society where we need teachers to be armed. If 80% of the teachers and maybe even some staff were armed, do you really think a shooter would walk into a school where the amount of guns they have is outnumbered by lots of other guns? Even if the shooter did decide to walk into an armed school, they would lose because it would be them against a whole group of armed staff. Not only does the school and its students safety benefit from this idea, but teachers benefit from it financially. Trump himself said “...the people that do carry, we give them a bonus.” Now, you may be thinking of several different incidents that could happen with this idea. What if a teacher decides to start shooting their students? That can be avoided if we mentally evaluate the teachers before giving any of them a gun. What if a student grabs a teachers gun? If the students starts shooting, again it’s that one student against a whole group of staff. What if there’s a shooting and teachers don’t know how to shoot? If a teacher chooses to carry a gun, Trump said they will undergo gun training. In my opinion, if teachers are armed, we don’t have to worry about a school shooter coming in as much because there is a very …show more content…

I can only pray that school security is stepped up the moment gun control is stepped up. I can only pray that everybody, such as teachers, staff, students, governments, and the citizens of the U.S.A. make reasonable decisions that allow every student to learn in an environment where they can be and feel safe from those with evil inside their hearts. I can only pray that the safety of students, all over the country, is taken into consideration by those who want to continue having gun laws as carefree as they are now. We can only pray or we can