The Dark Knight Vigilantes

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Vigilantes exist to fight for the supressed and weak individuals in society. Many vigilantes’ purpose is sparked by tragic events that leads to the crusade of justice. It is rather the inadequacy law enforcement that leads for vigilantes to exist. Both Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, deconstruct the traditional superhero through the theme of vigilantism, Alan Moore’s text offer the realistic interpretation of vigilantes, while Frank Miller emphasizes the dark side of masculine hero through the rebirth of Bruce Wayne as the Dark Knight.
In Alan Moore’s work, every vigilante was flawed as humans and represent the possibility of the average-joe becoming a vigilante. The Comedian is one of the many vigilantes that is considered as the violent …show more content…

Bruce Wayne’s disassociate disorder through the masculinity of Batman is the flaw as the Dark Knight. “You are nothing –a Hollow shell, rusty trap that cannot hold me. (Book 1, pg. 14). This reveals the vying for superiority of Bruce’s body and the aggressive masculine the Dark knight is, in comparison of a feeble Bruce Wayne. Batman’s aggressiveness and tenacity is very comparable to Rorschach’s aggression in the extreme. Robin is rather an passive vigilante in comparison to Batman. As Alfred states “she’s a sweet young child.” (Book 2, pg. 36) Robin is naïve as her journey of crime fighting and has yet to see the harsh reality of the dystopic Gotham city. Miller reveals that everyone who first starts outcome as crime fighter doesn’t fully realize the dangerous outcomes that can occur. Millers portrayal of Superman is considered obedient as his flaw. Superman sacrifices his individuality as he states “I gave them my obedience and my invisibility, they gave me a license and let us live.” (Book 3, pg. 32) As an omnipotent individual to kneel to an inferior race portrays the lack of masculinity in Superman in comparison of the Dark Knight. Superman lacks the aggressive apex male complex but instead, is placed with a submissive soldier to the government. In context, Superman is identical to Dr. Manhattan who also lacks the alpha complex in males. To sum up, Millers’ …show more content…

Like Rorschach, Batman does not abide to the government’s will. He stresses that “You gave them power-that should have been ours” (Book 4, pg.38) The statement exposes Batman disagreement with Superman’s cooperation with the government. Both Rorschach and Batman subconsciously do not approve of their choices but can remain in a neutral manner when confronting the government slaves. Superman is resembling the Comedian and Dr. Manhattan, by servicing United States as weapons. As Ronald Regan states “Your country ‘s counting on you…” (Book2, Page 26) divulges the relationship of Superman and the president. Furthermore, the United States government relies on Superman just like Dr. Manhattan is necessary as a nuclear weapon in Watchmen. In both works, the omnipotent individuals are weaponized and establishes United States a global super-power. Oliver is resembling Nite Owl as both individuals retired from who the vigilante lifestyle. Oliver uncovers that “They’d love to frost me…long as they can do it without admitting I exist.” (book4, pg. 33) The government is controlling and will murder any vigilantes who opposes the government and doesn’t serve them. Unlike Alan Moore’s government, Miller’s government is rather extreme in the policy of controlling vigilantes. In brief, governments force vigilantes under servitude as