The Death Of Antoine Meunier's Tattoos

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NUMBER 1 This is a gun on top of a pair of handcuffs. It represents Antoine shooting himself rather than going to jail. “As has been previously reported, Meunier’s son, Antoine Meunier, shot himself with an antique firearm at the family property in order to avoid being taken into custody” (Foley 354). To me, this made the most sense for a tattoo because he obviously did not want to be arrested for something that he did not do. He would rather be dead than in jail. Jail or death. This was not a very difficult decision for Antoine. As much as I want to blame Antoine for the murder of his father, Jacques, it was ultimately not him that did it. Mimi was the murderer, but was blaming Antoine. It made sense for everyone to side with Mimi because nobody liked Antoine. Mimi also had a relationship with Ben which is …show more content…

I am giving him this tattoo because he would not want it. After all, he did get stabbed by Jess after being confronted by her. This is eventually what led to her finding the injured body of Ben because she went to the top floor of the apartment building to hide, where Ben’s body was. “I lunge the knife toward him, slashing so violently at the air with the blade that he staggers backward and falls down the flight of stairs” (Foley 323). Jess was confronting Nick at the same time as she was confronting Antoine. I believe that she ended up stabbing Antoine because he could not be trusted. I do not feel bad for Antoine because in my opinion, he deserved what happened to him. The knife was a MAJOR part of the book. I think it deserves to be tattooed on Antoine because he was the first one to get stabbed by it. NUMBER 3 The next tattoo is a broken glass bottle. I chose this because I think it represents Antoine’s life in general. When you break something that is made out of glass, it goes everywhere. It makes a ginormous mess that you have to clean up. Kind of like Antoine’s life,