The Death Of Special Education Essay

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The class discussion was right on target with challenges in the education system. The one that stuck to me was the power of choice. The students are expected to do things when out of school, but wasn’t expected to do the same thing in the classroom. I understand that we need to teach the students curriculum, but what if a student in the classroom have an issue of sitting still and can’t focus do to a disability for a long period of time and is expected to sit and do the curriculum like all the other students in the classroom. This is where I have issues about these challenges. This is why I choose an article on inclusion.
The article that I reviewed was Meeting the Needs of Special Educational Students in Inclusion Classroom. This research …show more content…

Lieberman, it made me think of so my things that is happening with my own child. I totally agree with them saying Special education has been swallowed by the beast. The mandatory testing and curriculum that these students are thrown into and basically, it’s a sink or swim if the teacher and special educator teacher are not on the same page. Some students need that support from that Special Education teacher to help them achieve in the classrooms. They may help the students overcome their disabilities, meet their own individual needs, or prevent handicaps from developing in students with disabilities. If a student is in an inclusion classroom they are not getting these supports. Children without this support are at risk to fail in a regular classroom. This article made it so clear when stating we need to understand the difference between disability and handicap. The children with disabilities are the ones in danger of becoming handicapped if they do not receive the services to help prevent this from happening by giving them the opportunity. Yes, the school might get the student to slip through the cracks and make it through, by what good is it for the student that still have to make it in real life? I totally agree if this article that parents are pushed into thinking their children are better off in a classroom group then individual