The Demon Lover Compare And Contrast

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Does the past truly haunt us, or is it the future? While Bowen and Jackson’s stories share many similarities, one protagonist is haunted by her past, and the other by her future. This study will contemplate the many similarities, differences, and how both protagonists share an akin fate. Moreover, likeness and difference of style throughout both texts will be explained and analyzed in depth. Specifically, narrowing in on the use and methods of tone, vocabulary, and pacing. To begin, the themes of each text will be analyzed and decided. In Shirley Jackson's version of The Demon Lover we follow an unnamed woman as the protagonist on her wedding day. On this day she is not able to find her fiance, Jamie, as a result she goes to look for him …show more content…

However, in this version the protagonist is named Mrs. Kathleen Drover. The narrative takes place during World War Two. Mrs. Drover, who is returning to her home she lived in before the war to retrieve some things. Once she is inside, she is overwhelmed with emotion and memories, specifically of her ex-fiance and how we went “missing” during the war. Thirteen years after this, she married her husband, William Drover, had children, and a quiet life. As she reminisces more and more, mysterious happenings begin to occur. For example, she hears odd sounds, movements, and begins to realize she cannot remember her ex-fiance's face… After these occurrences, she finds herself determined to leave. Eventually, Mrs. Drover decides on taking a taxi back home. As she walks down the street frightened, she notices everyone around her behaving normally, this makes her feel silly about her behavior. However, once she enters the car it immediately speeds away, Mrs. Drover screams in terror as it continues …show more content…

It goes without saying that both Bowen and Jackson´s interpretations are the most descriptive and lengthy versions. With that fact, both are undoubtedly more in depth and descriptive. For example, in Jackson's version, a span of five pages is based solely on the protagonist choosing what dress to wear. Of course, there are other details and plot points incorporated but it stays focused mainly on her apparel. An example of this descriptiveness is on page 26 when she is deciding which dress to wear, ¨The blue dress was certainly decent, and clean, and fairly becoming, but she had worn it several times with Jamie, and there was nothing about it which made it special for a wedding day. The print dress was overly pretty, and new to Jamie, and yet wearing such a print this early in the season was certainly rushing the season.¨ The detail shown is what gives the text more emphasis and individuality in comparison to others. While the attention to detail is substantial, it focuses mainly on the plot movement and development of the main character. Whereas, Bowen´s version focuses mainly on the atmosphere and Mrs. Drover's surroundings. This can be shown on page four, ¨Dead air came out to meet her as she went in. The staircase window having been boarded up, no light came down into the hall. But one door, she could just see, stood ajar, so she went quickly through into the room and unshuttered the