The Design Argument Essay

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According to the “Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy”, the Judeo-Christian God is defined as “the creator and sustainer of the universe and is unlimited with regard to knowledge (omniscience), power (omnipotence), extension (omnipresence), and moral perfection.” With regard to God’s existence, many philosophical arguments, some of which date back thousands of year, deliver intriguing and intellectual interpretations, questioning our knowledge about the universe. One of them is the Design Argument, or the teleological argument, the most influential and developed argument for the existence of God throughout history. The basic idea of this argument is that the universe, which we live is created and controlled by an intelligent designer, namely God. In this paper, I will begin by further explaining one version of the arguments from design for the existence of God-specifically one from English philosopher William Paley in his book “Natural Theology”. I will then examine criticisms to this argument as presented by Elliot …show more content…

This theory rejects the plausibility of premise 3 of Paley’s argument. As mentioned, the third premise of Paley’s argument states that random natural processes never, or almost never produce things with such complexity as a watch. Darwin 's theory indicates how random processes could, after some time, produce things with the designer’s imprint. He also noted in his autobiography that he disagrees with Paley’s conclusion: “The old argument of design in nature, as given by Paley, which formerly seemed to me so conclusive, fails, now that the law of natural selection had been discovered” (Darwin 431). However, Darwin’s theory of evolution doesn’t completely reject God’s existence, since it doesn’t destroy every version of the design argument. This theory only eliminates the design arguments that are based on the creation of living