The Destruction In Oscar Wilde's The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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Throughout the novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dorian destroys the lives of multiple people through his slow progression of becoming evil. Through his words, actions, and relationships with these people, he brings Sibyl Vane, Alan Campbell, and Basil Hallward’s lives to an end by slowly deteriorating what they once were. In fact, he also destroys his own life by partaking in the evil acts Lord Henry has influenced him to do. He was once a charming, kind, young boy who everyone loved, and evolved into a heartless man who doesn’t care about anything.
Oscar Wilde’s personal life was quite similar to that of Dorian Gray's in certain aspects. There were things that set them both apart from the common man. Both were reputable men, who had tragedy …show more content…

Dorian’s relationship with Sibyl quickly became very involved and his whole world revolved around her. Sibyl was charmed by him, and would do anything he wanted to make him happy because he was the only man she had ever loved that much. The two were deeply in love, but Dorian fell in love with Sibyl while she was acting, and Sibyl loved Dorian for his charm. Once each of those traits fell away, their relationship was destroyed. Dorian said, “You have killed my love...You are shallow and stupid. My God! How mad I was to love you! What a fool I had been! You are nothing to me now. I will never see you again...You have spoiled the romance of my life. How little you can know of love if you say it mars your art! Without you are you are nothing.” (Page 78) which states how his view changed in just one night. Dorian realized that he had not actually been in love with Sibyl, but with the people she portrayed. When he told her how worthless she was, she was crushed. Yet Dorian did not care until the next morning when he heard the news that she had committed suicide. Those thoughts of remorse were quickly wiped away when Lord Henry told him that it was acceptable and that people affects others in that way all the time. Dorian’s affiliation with Sibyl led to her death and destruction because he lacked showing her love and concern someone would show in a true relationship. He …show more content…

Basil was once one of his closest friends who admired him and painted the portrait of Dorian which “destroyed his life.” Basil was one of the few people that knew the old Dorian and how much he had changed and consistently reminded Dorian of his new cruel nature. An enraged Dorian began to distance himself from the artist and decided Lord Henry knew what was best for him. He didn't care what Basil had to say, and continued to become more malicious than ever. Their relationship continued to weaken and they became very distant from each other. Dorian no longer cared about Basil no matter how hard he had tried to bring back the old, kind-hearted Dorian everyone had once loved. Basil tried to look out for his friend no matter what the circumstance was, no matter how cruel Dorian had been to him. One night, before Basil was to leave for Paris, he visited Dorian warning him about the rumors that were being spread about him and asked if they were true. During the visit Dorian showed Basil the portrait that he had painted which now reflected his soul. Basil was astonished, “My God! If it is true, and this is what you have done with your life, why, you must be worse, even, than those who talk against you fancy you to be!” (Page 133). Mr. Gray suddenly had a strong hatred overcome him and murdered the artist which also aided in keeping