
The Destruction Of The Economy In The 1920's

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Following the prosperity of the Roaring Twenties, the world economy was hit by an extremely severe economic recession, referred to as the Great Depression. Albeit recessions are a part of a free market business cycle, due to the accumulation of several reasons that combined, the world economy was absolutely destroyed. The Roaring Twenties caused the stock prices to rise tremendously for successful companies. In order to profit from the rise in the stocks, many individuals began borrowing money in order to invest in the stock market; they assumed prices would continue to rise. Due to these investments, stock prices further increased, causing many others to invest, as well. However, on October 29, 1929, stock prices stopped rising on the New York Stock Exchange. As a result, investors began selling …show more content…

This combined selling caused stock prices to decrease more, and caused even more investors to sell their stocks. With investors selling and none buying, combined with the continued decline in stock prices, by November 13, the stock market had crashed. When the stock market crashed, investors had accumulated major losses and large debts, as many had borrowed money in order to invest. As well, due to the introduction of credit, many consumers had purchased goods on credit during the 1920’s, leading to debt that spread throughout the economy. As well, fearing a greater economic downturn, banks began calling in loans, causing many people to go bankrupt. The stock market crashing also caused several bank runs. A bank run is when a bank goes bankrupt due to many depositors withdrawing their

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