The Deterioration In Mental Health In Arthur Miller's Death Of A Salesman

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Whilst reading the last two pages of Act One in, “Death Of A Salesman”, one cognizes Willy’s deterioration in mental health. Willy is crestfallen, contemptuous, and mercurial, which leaves the reader with no sense of bewilderment when he/she finds out that Willy is suicidal: “He’s dying, Biff… he’s been trying to kill himself” (42). Willy’s mental instability leaves everyone in his family on edge, especially Linda.
Linda feels obligated to be a crutch for Willy, leaving little care for herself. Perhaps Linda is partially to blame for Willy’s neurosis because of her enabling of Willy’s various attempts at killing himself: “You didn’t smash the car, did you?...Oh. Maybe it was the steering again” (2-3). Linda knows that Willy is self destructive,