The Differences Of Bismarck And Wilhelm II

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In 1888, Frederick William Victor Albert (William or Wilhelm II) ascended to the German throne as Kaiser. Much has been written about Kaiser Wilhelm II. All accounts agree that he was hyperactive, enthusiastic and able, but lacking in self-discipline or the ability to focus his energies constructively. He had a very strong sense of the importance of his position, but could not command the respect of his ministers and advisers who increasingly became irritated by his violent and impetuous outbursts and intemperate views.1 Germany empire now was in hands of two mans - Bismarck and Wilhelm II. Their political views were very different and it, probably, cause problems in Germany’s foreign policy. Slowly Bismarck’s Realpolitik changed to Wilhelm’s II Weltpolitik. Weltpolitik included aggressive diplomacy, overseas colonies and the development of large navy. So his foreign policy with Great Britain, France, Russia wasn’t successful, also with Austria-Hungary. In general Kaiser Willhelm II’s foreign policy on these countries leaded to the First World War. Maybe because countries didn’t expect that big difference between Bismarcks and Wilhem II’s foreign policy. In 1890 Wilhelm II dismissed Bismarck from office. Bismarck left behind a political system designed to give maximum power to the Kaiser and his Chancellor. 2 So Wilhelm II’s foreign policy started. Meanwhile, his Chancellors changed all the time, because there weren’t Chancellor who would take his orders meekly from the

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