The Big Five Factor Model: The Five Dimensions Of Personality

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Who are you? Those three words put together can be bothering and stressful. There are various ways people can answer. Many people may say their job title, their name, or their likes and dislikes. The billions of people in the world can answer that question very diversely, and those answers can divulge only a small amount of the person. Humanity shares many mutual aspects with each other like race, religion, education, skin and eye colour, and interests, however, there is one main aspect of every human that separates us from the billions in the world and that is personality. Psychologists are fascinated in what distinguishes people from each other and why we conduct ourselves the way we do. To help distinguish different aspects of a person’s personality the Five Factor model is a tool that can be used. This model tests the five fundamental dimensions of …show more content…

This means that an athlete with this trait with remain calm, self-confident and emotionally stable and won’t let fear, worry, and anger impact their performance (Daft, 1994). In the Big Five trait test, it stated that I had below average for the Emotionally Stability aspects of my personality, meaning that I’ll remain calm, self-confident and emotionally stable. This doesn 't differ from an elite athlete much as they would also have to remain calm and keep their emotions under control. Intellect can be defined as the seeking of enhancement or improvement through the senses and the mind (Zuckerman, 1984). Intellect in athletes has a role as a predictor of high performance. Therefore, Intellect is positively associated with an athletes ' performance. In the Big Five trait test, it stated that I had average Intellect traits, meaning that I’m not always seeking enhancements. This differs from an elite athlete as they would have well above average and be in the higher percentile for this

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