The Controversial Notion Of Cultural Appropriation In Hip-Hop

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The notion of Cultural appropriation is a controversial notion. It is generally misinterpreted as a restriction on engaging with other cultures. This paper will try to dispel the myth behind the definition of cultural appropriation and address the notion of cultural appropriation in Hip-Hop as addressed in Rodriguez’s article. Rodriguez’s article argues that the notion of color blindness appropriates Hip-Hop, this article will extend deeper into concept and unearth the connection with the ghettoized popular Hip-Hip, why it is appropriation, results of appropriation, grey areas and where the concept of cultural appropriation was first inspired.
The Definition of Cultural Appropriation
Cultural appropriation refers specifically …show more content…

Such cases include the band Led Zeppelin when the band performed and sold blues songs written by underprivileged black musicians. The blues music scene at the time did not have a concept of ownership, so the band gave themselves songwriting credit and profited from the success of their songs (Case, 2011). As demonstrated in Led Zeppelin’s situation, if the band obtained permissions, learned from the community and gave credit this would not have been an issue of cultural appropriation. For example, a non-Spanish person owning a Picasso is not cultural appropriation of Spanish culture. This is because Picasso created his art to be used as an esthetic object. People outside of the African American community can purchase and listen to Hip-Hop music, but when artists profit from a skewed ghettoized and plagiarized version of underground Hip-Hop it then becomes cultural appropriation. This is because Hip-Hop was a voice for inner city African Americans and a form of verbal heritage as expressed in Rodriguez’s article and other sources; originating from the African tradition of toasting (Black talk, 2000; Rodriquez, 2006). Regarding the African American community as a non-nation state like aboriginal communities, their cultural property is at a higher risk of getting skewed due to the lack of state protection (Anderson & Geismar, 2017; …show more content…

As a result they can be accused as appropriating white culture or acting white (Malik, 2016). This is assimilating ones’ self into the national culture and not cultural appropriation. A newcomer learning the host language and local culture for example is expected and is not appropriation. To enforce such a notion is to enforce radical authoritative separation of people based on social notions around race. Some individuals have different national and cultural heritage or even multiple cultural heritages which can result in unique cultural expressions by default and may be accused of cultural appropriation as a