The Dreaming Land And Identity Research Paper

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Source 1
Religion vitally contributes to an individual, society and culture. It helps give a meaning of life the certain group and answer many basic questions of life like “Why am I here?” or “Is there a God”. By religion answering these questions, individuals, society and cultures will certainly feel a great sense of belonging between each other. It gives the individual self-worth, happiness and comfort. Through this source the believer’s/readers will have some sort of joy and self-worth as they believe that they truly are on Earth for a reason. The source describes the importance of every creature and being and how the world was formed by a single body, where its body parts, even its maggots within it, were able to mould themselves into the Earth and its beings and its landscape. Therefore, by giving some sort of a description or understanding to basic questions of life, individuals, society and …show more content…

They may be three totally different components, yet their inextricable connection helps make up Aboriginal spirituality. In this source, many components are linked together and link back the main heading “The Dreaming”. Vectors are used to explore the inextricable connection between the different components of Aboriginal spirituality. It can also be highlighted that if one component is taken away, the circle becomes incomplete, which symbolizes the importance of each component in Aboriginal spirituality, and therefore gives the individual an understanding of each component’s role in the religion. The vectors also enable the individual to understand what each component is and can therefore identify the connection between each component, linking back to the Dreaming. The inextricable connection between the multiple components of Aboriginal spirituality are easily identified in this source to highlight the connection between each component and their