The Effects Of Racism On Children

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Young adults’ opinions and values are tremendously influenced by the people that surround them because an estimated, "7 in 10 teens (71%) say their social and political ideology is about the same as their mom and dad 's”(Lyons n.pag.). Although many parents may believe that their children do not listen to a word they say, they do. Parents are the most influential people in their kids’ lives, which means that they have the biggest impact on them. Children watch their every move, they mimic them, and idolize them. This is especially true when it comes to cultural differences. Children inherit their parents’ beliefs and retain them throughout adulthood. Parental racial beliefs have influenced future generations’ values and beliefs in a matter that …show more content…

Raising a child that is affected by racism is more challenging because, “[P]arents of black children, along with parents of other ethnically underrepresented youth, are also tasked with teaching their children how to navigate, and sometimes even survive, a society that may give messages that undermine parents’ efforts” (Gaskin n.pag.). Because of the damages caused by racial prejudice parents not only have to raise their kids as like any other parent, but they also have to equip them for what the following years will bring: harsh, cruel ridicule and a feeling of not belonging in the country you were born in. Many kids that are targets of discrimination often have,“[P]sychological responses to racism very similar to trauma, such as somatization, which is psychological distress expressed as physical pain, interpersonal sensitivity, and anxiety”(Wood n.pag.). The damages that society has caused in children because of where they’re from or their skin color is literally jaw dropping. People hate other human beings for reasons that can’t be explained, and it’s pushing apart our …show more content…

Devastating outcomes have resulted from racial discrimination in our society; this can often be because adults have directly impacted their youth’s conviction on racism, and it’s slowing the progress becoming an equal nation. Parents sheltering their kids from the real world will only cause damage later on in life. The world tries to forget the bad pieces of the past, but they to be preserved and kept close. But forgetting is worse for the one who suffers from prejudice. It can cause many effects such as symptoms similar to trauma. One way to combat these issues is to pass on the message to our children about fighting against racism so they can be a light and an influence some day. Each individual person must be willing to change their actions and fix their mistakes to be able to advance toward a more equal life for everyone. Because of the large percentage of people that have the same beliefs as their parents and that may be good but it can be bad, it is up to everyone in this world to make a decision to end racism and prejudice once and for