The Five Stages Of The Hardiman White Racial Identity

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The model I chose to apply to myself is the Hardiman White Racial Identity. The five stages of development are: 1. Naiveté or lack of social consciousness, 2. Acceptance, 3. Resistance, 4. Redefinition, and 5. Internalization. Stage one, naiveté is the stage of my childhood where I was not aware of races or any judgments based on race. I did not have any contact with African Americans until I was about 7 years old. My parents and friends did not have African American friends and no African American families lived in our neighborhood. At the age of seven, my mother enrolled me in dance classes at a local dance studio in the town we lived in. One of the students in my class was an African American boy. I did not think of him any differently than any of the other students in the dance class nor did I formulate any generalizations about race. He was considered a friend as well as a member of the dance team. I recall the picture that appeared in the dance recital program -- he was placed in the center of the group perhaps because he was the only boy in the class. …show more content…

I believed that Whites and Blacks were equal however there were no African Americans in my grade school classes from K through ninth grade. There is truth to the assertion that parents’, relatives’ and friends’ negative reactions to people of minority races do send mixed messages to children (Sue & Sue, 2014). I recall that occasionally my father would make negative comments regarding an individual’s ethnicity which demonstrated to me that people could be judged by others based on their ethnic