My topic
I think that it is just too risky for athletes, because it can cause to many issues if something goes wrong or they get hurt. These things can happen like brain disorders, CTE, and health issues. I care about people's health and think that people should not play these sports because it could hurt them a lot or give them these issues. For example I am a boy and i am thinking about football if i should play it or not well, I might think yes cause it looks like a fun sport but, then I start to think about the effects it could have like CTE. CTE, it causes when repeated head causes brain cells to kill the nerve cells. You could suffer memory loss from this sport. A player can injure the player's head by when the player is tackled.
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Choices is what i will call this you can chose what every you want to do in life but first have a think about causes and effect or if you are weak in something like math you use math for sports think about skills you need to improve on before you do something think of a backup plan or plans or if you do not get in to that sport try agin or think of a backup job or two. You have choices for everything you do so make sure you are all planned that out.
Why I say all of this in these paragraphs because it is all important you need to take a minute to think about why i picked sports are just to risky for athletes. It is anything can happen you have to think really hard about why i chose this do you agree is it just to risky. My answer is yes it is just to risky like I said anything can happen to anyone.This is why I chose this