The Eighth Amendment

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Eighth amendment Death Penalty Receives Another Blow, This Time In Pennsylvania In this article, "Death Penalty Receives Another Blow, This Time In Pennsylvania" by Sam Wright from Above The Law, Mr. Wright discusses the controversy over death penalty and the difference between states deciding the standards of it. According to the article, two states, Connecticut and Pennsylvania both assigned a death penalty to two men who committed equally serious crimes. The problem arouses when the two men applied a relief to the courts; Connecticut accepted it and Pennsylvania didn 't. It gets even worse, when people dig deeper and find out the racial discrimination that went on behind the scenes. "African American defendants were sentenced to death at a significantly higher rate than similarly situated members of the racial groups." Continuing, about a third of African Americans who received death penalty in Philadelphia "would have not received the death penalty were they not African American." In response to the public 's outrage, Governor Wolf hastily granted reprieves "from all planned executions." The eighth amendment, which prevents cruel and unusual punishment, gained its popularity over the issue of death penalty. Due to Constitution 's broad spectrum of interpretations, whether …show more content…

I believe that death penalty is considered to be a cruel and unusual punishment. In my opinion, a life is priceless and shouldn 't be taken away without their willingness. All men are created equal- no man was made better than the other and therefore should not bring death on their life. On the other hand, I think that there are more reasons why people would support the death penalty. For example, it is for the public good and safety to put people to sleep if they are a serial murderer, so that they do not hurt any more people. Adding on, popular terrorists have caused many problems and deaths, that nothing could be paid to make the families of the lost ones feel better. The eighth