The Elements Of Romanticism In Robert Louis Stevenson's Beach Of Fealesa

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Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), the engineer who become a famous writer in the Victorian age, Stevenson made a very close relationship with the reader because he made a new kind of writes which depends on the play with words which made the readers excited and feel joyful all the time,(RLS Website,2016). Stevenson was a pioneer in many fields, he also was a famous for his two master peaces novel treasure island, beach of falesa and kidnap, he also famous for the genre of adventure romance and he was moving from the adventure romance to the realistic novel or to the genre which is called new realism, (RLS website, 2016).beach of falesa is another island story that revolves all its events in specific island its first published it called “uma”, (ENCYCLOPADIA BRIITANNICA, 2017). “It is the first south sea story: I mean with real south sea character and details of life” (towheed, 2012). It’s considered as a hybrid work because it is contain elements of realism, romanticism, gothic and many other elements. In this essay I will discuss the element of realism in the story, the religious beliefs, the new kind of language and the contact zone between the British people and islander and how can it effects on the British people.

The elements of realism in the story, Stevenson moved from adventure romance to realistic in beach of falesa, he described the realism “a technical method that risked being tedious and inexpressive through its faithful devotion to