The End Monologue

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The opening sequence begins with an overhead shot of AMBER lying on the ground outside. Eyes closed. Her facial expression is pale, her make up is humble (eyeliner and red lipstick) After a transition there is a extended shot of AMBER and her FRIEND rambling along both of them Looking at AMBER'S phone. Their facial expression will be a little confused/ lost. The next shot is an transparency shot which shows the screen of AMBER'S phone. There is a map with a “Limbo” sign that signifies the girls are wondering the dream like land of the machine that will come into play later. AMBER and her FRIEND are clearly misplaced or are not sure where they are going. Long shot from in front of AMBER and her FRIEND continuing to walk, Looking around them …show more content…

The auxiliary and sound suddenly cuts out. A short scene of him running down the stairs will indicate a change of rooms and in the house and only diegetic sound will be used as the footsteps on the stairs. He then enters a side room, possibly the dining room and sees a shadow at the door. He walks towards it apprehensive and reaches out when suddenly he hears a the dong of the clock behind him. He sharply turns round and sees the cat Who he then walks over and bows down to stroke. He stands back up as he over hears a knock at the door. He was standing and then began walking back through the dining room door towards the front corridor leading to the front door. Instrumental music starts to build starting loud at the very point the knock on the door has just occurred. As the man out of the room, the camera is in a medium shot but it is noticeable that the knife from the table has now disappeared. A medium shot is used to show part of the lobby with him standing facing the door. The knock at the door repeats and he slowly walks towards the door asking “who the hell is this” he then effectively blacks

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