The Environmental Impact Of The American Auto Industry

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American Auto Industry
Today, there are currently 250,851,833 registered passenger vehicles being used in the United States today. (EPA, 2016) Meaning, this industry has an extensive impact on our environment, it affects our economy and our landscape. In this paper, I will delve into ways this industry influences the U.S.A.
Global competition is substantial in the auto industry; numerous companies import their products into the United States. There has always been a large number of foreign brands on the road, but after the 2008 market crash, the amount of American made cars dropped significantly. For example, in the year 2000, Ford Motors had 24.1% of the market share, then by 2014, they only had 14.7%. During this recession, American car companies …show more content…

These engines emit carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and benzene, sulphur dioxide, and PM10s, also known as greenhouse gases, into the air. Although, when this engine was invented, the environmental impacts this product would bring were unknown. In the beginning of the 20th century, large oil reserves were discovered, and the business took off. Today, 95% of global transportations are accounted for by oil, with this type of engine, come a lot of environmental impact. (Clements, …show more content…

This act sets standards for the manufacturing of new vehicles, and regulates what vehicles are not roadworthy, renewable fuel, and penalties if not met.
Emission are one of the most commonly discussed way automobiles affect our environment, although it is not the only way. Materials that are used to manufacture vehicles can also have an impact. The brake debris and tire particles raise the levels of toxicity in the nearby soils and lead to the formation of black carbon, this can lead to lung toxicity. Also, automobile batteries are lead-acid based. They can be returned to manufacturers and be 93% recycled, but the other 7% is released into the environment and equals in 42,000 tons. (EPA,