The Eurocentric Perspective: A Paradigm Analysis

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The Afrocentric Perspective is a method used in social work practice that utilizes various philosophical assumptions to explain and solve African American problems. Thabede (2014, as cited in Mekada 1999), describes the Afrocentric Perspective as a conceptual framework that acknowledges the cultural image and interests of African Americans by reflecting on their life experiences, history, and traditions. The Afrocentric paradigm was created to shift the faulty views of African Americans under the Eurocentric worldview. The Eurocentric worldview functioned as belief that European culture- values, norms, and beliefs- are superior to other races, specifically African Americans.
Moreover, African social scientists believe that cultural oppression …show more content…

The Afrocentric paradigm places emphasis on eliminating oppression and building up the African American culture. According to Stewart (1997, as cited in Karenga 1988), the Afrocentric paradigm is based on seven principles that derived from the belief systems of native groups in Africa: (1) Umoja-Unity; (2) Kujichagulia-Self Determination; (3) Ujima- Collective Identity, (4) Ujamaa-Cooperative Economics, (5) Nia-Purpose, (6) Kuumba-Creativity, (7) …show more content…

Kujichagulia suggests that African people should define who they are as a culture and to not let history of oppression define who they are as a culture. Ujima advises that African culture maintain unity by helping one another during hard times. Ujamaa proposes that people of African descent should use their gifts and talents to build up businesses to promote economic growth within the African community. Nia and Kuumba advise that African people should consistently build and develop their culture to restore Africans to their traditional greatness before Europeans stripped them of their roots. Finally, Imani advocates for African people to believe in themselves and their people during times of struggle and in righteousness. These seven principles focus on people of African descent coming together to build up the African culture, dispose of the negative stigma of racism, and overcome years of oppression.
According to Schiele (1997), the Afrocentric paradigm posits three notions about human beings: a) Human identity is collective identity’s; b) the spiritual component of human beings is just as important and valid as the material component; and c) feelings and emotions are valid sources of