
The Evidence That Could Be Used To Support The Ideals Of The Declaration Of Independence Dbq

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From 1815 to 1850 there was a rapid change in many things, a few are geographic expansion, economic growth, and political growth. The American society benefited from these changes but, not all groups of society benefit equally. The U.S. did not fulfill the ideals of the Declaration of Independence for all people by 1850 because women and Native Americans did not have equal political, economic, or social rights.

The ideals of the Declaration were not fulfilled because Women did not have equal social, political, or economic rights. In document 1 the evidence that can be used to support my subclaim is, “...Father can legally make a will appointing a guardian for his children in the event of his death. Should the husband die, a mother could …show more content…

In document 2 the evidence that can be used to support my subclaim is, “We, the undersigned, citizens of the Cherokee Nation, have always regarded the paper said to be a treaty, made in December 1835, at New-Echota, by the Rev. John F. Schermerhorn, and certain unauthorized Cherokee to be unjust. It is a violation of of justice. It is an outrage to the Cherokee Nation, and therefore has no binding force on us.” This evidence supports my subclaim because the Cherokee Nation are being forced to leave their land by the American treaty that the tribe never agreed on as a whole. In document 4 the evidence that can be used to support my subclaim is, “the land the Cherokee Nation originally owned and how the amount changed over time after the American Revolution to when the US took the last piece of land from the Cherokee in the final cession.” This evidence supports my subclaim because the original amount of land that the Cherokee Nation owned was taken away over time by white settlers. Document 2, “Cherokee Nation of Indians, Letter to Congress, February 22, 1838. Printed in The Vermont Telegraph newspaper on April 4, 1838” is the most reliable document showing discrimination because it was written by members of the Cherokee tribe who clearly state forms if

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