Fashion In The 1920's

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Society has changed tremendously over the years and so has fashion. In the 1920’s, women were beginning to express themselves and exercising their individuality. They began to wear short skirts and dresses in bright, bold colors. Women also began to dress in a more masculine manner and bobbed their hair. The iconic “flapper” look started when Coco Chanel dressed in a man’s sweater with a belt around the waist. This act spurred on a new fashion trend and led to women driving vehicles, smoking, drinking, and acting more sexual.
When women were getting ready for the day, they had to dress accordingly with what they were going to be doing. For household chores, women would wear a simple cotton dress with black cotton stockings and Oxford heels. Streetwear often consisted of a skirt, blouse, and a sweater. …show more content…

Women were now beginning to wear masculine clothing such as baggy knickers known as plus fours, and even going so far as to wear close-fitting suits. Today, women are free to wear whatever they want. You can see women wearing structured suits, baggy pants, and gym shorts. Additionally, hats were a necessity in the 1920’s, one of the hat styles was the beret. In 2018, berets are making their way back into fashion. Dresses and skirts with fringe were quite popular in the Roaring 20 's. Fringe is making a comeback on dresses, skirts, and even purses. In addition to fringe, sequins were also popular and are also very popular today. Layered clothing is a current trend today, as it was in the 1920’s. Women would layer clothing by wearing a blouse with an overcoat, and either a long skirt or a comfy pair of knickers. The most well-known fashion trend in the Roaring 20’s was the flapper look. Short bobbed-hair and short colorful dresses with fringe was the flapper party look. Today’s party dresses are often short and in bright, bold colors with different details on