The Exxon Valdez: A Horrific Disasters In History

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History has recoded the horrific disasters worldwide. Disasters in history have always been heartbreaking and gut wrenching. No matter the magnitude of the disaster someone is afflicted negatively. Some disasters include environmental, weather and wars. Each of these phenomenon’s has left families broken, nations ruined and history wrongly changed. Because environmental, weather- related disasters and war have claimed the lives of many people, these events have had the greatest impact in history Some environmental disasters include oil spills and explosions. The Exxon Valdez was a cargo ship, carrying 1,264,155 barrels of oil, which ran ashore Bligh Reef, in March 1989. Over 200 miles of land was enveloped in oil and stretched about 1,300 miles across the shore line. Not only were thousands of fish, sea otters and bird remains found but billions of dollars were consumed in the cleaning up process. The Exxon Valdez is still one of the most devastating oil spills in American history. Another devastating environmental disaster is the thermonuclear device called Castle Bravo. Castle Bravo was predicted to produce only six megatons of nuclear power but it furnished fifteen megatons of nuclear power, resulting in a radioactive cloud which rained down on the residents of …show more content…

Environmental disasters have taken the lives of many people and animals. It has produced many economic issues as well as a copious amount of air pollution. In addition to the calamities of environmental disasters, weather disasters have amplified the disaster rates tremendously in history by thousands. The weather if hot, cold, or wet has affected people worldwide over a vast amount of land. And lastly, war has claimed the lives of millions of people simultaneously from the beginning of time. War should always be the last resort. Every disastrous event substantial or minute has left an ineradicable foot print in