The Failure Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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The American dream is defined as “an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative” (Google). There were many conflicts that interfered with trying to reach each individual 's dream. Each character had their own meaning of their dream, Jay Gatsby especially. Daisy had an impact on his life, which led to the failure of his own American dream. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby almost lived out his American dream, by finding the love of his life, and almost fulfilled the dream to be with her forever.
At the beginning, Jay Gatsby made a dream for himself, he would have possibly been able to accomplish this dream if his life had not changed. He lived as a necessitous child and eventually enlisted and went into the military. When he was younger he had a planner, where he kept his schedule for a daily routine, which was a symbol of him striving to achieve his dreams. “One other dimension of Gatsby 's early, striving is revealed to Nick at the funeral by the grieving father, who lauds his son 's generosity to him. He also shows Nick a copy of a Hopalong Cassidy novel on which the young Gatsby had written his schedule for self-improvement, emulating Franklin 's similar scheme. This is the plan for achievement of the American dream, appointment objective for a poor boy who strives to be better himself” (Nagel 117). This strategy, he came up with, was a component in helping him organize the purpose of his