The Absurd In The Myth Of Sisyphus

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While some enjoy life one step at a time, others search for a purpose or reason for existence. With existentialist believing in a higher power that has complete control over peoples’ lives, absurdist believes there is no true value to life. Having an absurdist viewpoint of the world can lead to isolation, depression, and anxiety. Albert Camus, the author of The Myth of Sisyphus and formally known as the father of absurdism, suggests that “the absurd is born out of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world.” Humans with an absurdist outlook on life believe that the universe is a meaningless and irrational universe. Kevin Wilson, the author of many short stories, suggests that unknowingly, characters with an absurdist outlook can find fulfillment within the preposterous scenarios. Specifically, in the story “Go, Fight, Win,” the main character, Penny, faces many internal struggles in an absurd world such as isolation that eventually leads to internal peace.
In the story “Go, Fight, Win,” Penny, a sixteen-year-old girl moves to a new town with her mother after her parents’ divorce. Her mother quickly becomes the source of her problems as she forces Penny to try out for the cheerleading team. Penny’s …show more content…

Penny accepting her absurdist personality allowed her to stand up to her mother and eventually find love. Kevin Wilson gives the readers a deeper understanding of absurdist viewpoint by reveling Penny’s happiness at the end of the story. In The Myth of Sisyphus, the author explains “The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart” (Camus). In contrast to was others believe, an absurdist can often find meaning within the preposterous situations they come across. Wilson does an excellent job of giving an insight of the absurd world his characters come