The Feminine Mystique By Betty Friedan

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“A good woman”
Culture & Society [ Feminine Movement ]

There are many ideas and preconceived notions of what a “good woman” is defined to be.

Women should be home. Women should take care of the children, look good for the man in order to be a “good woman.”

Someone who defied the criteria of being a “good woman” was Betty Friedan. She was a woman born in the 1920s and published the book, The Feminine Mystique in 1963. Her book inspired many women of the time, depicting how difficult a women’s life is, oppressed by the culture of domesticity. She spoke out through this piece for many women who are dying for change and for their rights. Up until this point, women were seen as caretakers of the household and family- to be perfect all the time- …show more content…

SALT mostly consisted of talks about…
Anti-ballistic missiles (ABM) Multiple independent reentry vehicles (MIRVs)

Although the USSR and US had signed off on the SALT 1 agreement, they both had certain advantages- both strengthening their weapons. The US were stronger in force developing their MIRVs since these can hit multiple targets at once while the Soviets further developed their ABM. SALT really only lasted from 1969 to 1972 but soon after SALT 1, SALT 2 arose in late 1972. These talks then continued for a good seven years. Crazy, right?

These discussions had in the end resulted in the signing of two treaties: the “Anti- Ballistic Missile Treaty and the Interim Agreement between the US & USSR on Certain Measures With Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms.”

Malcolm X
The X Man of Civil Rights

Malcolm X or also known as Malcolm Little was a Muslim African American man.
He had decided to change his name for the reasons of following muslim Nation tradition. Where one replaces their surname with an“X,” since it was believed that their last names were made by white slave …show more content…

In 1963, Malcolm X and Eiljah Muhammad had some tension over the political stance over the Muslim Nation. Malcolm X was tired. Tired of waiting and criticizing those from the sidelines. Watching but not doing. He had wanted to take action in the civil rights movement and since his idea of the Nation became tainted- he left in 1964.

Malcolm was an inspiring and influential leader of the Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam was essentially the combining of Islam and black nationalism to encourage the poverty stricken black youth. He became a strong figure who he had needed when he was young and poor.

Before X had passed in 1965, his autobiography Malcolm X had created a foundation for the Black Power Movement later in the 1960s illustrating his ideas for change. This man wasn’t just an educated mad black man- he was a man for change and to see the better life he could create through his preachings and ideas.

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