Malcolm X Research Papers

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Malcolm X was a civil rights leader and political activist who advocated for the rights of African Americans during the mid-twentieth century. Born Malcolm Little in 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska, he experienced significant racial discrimination and violence from a young age. His father was a preacher and a supporter of the black nationalist Marcus Garvey, while his mother suffered from mental illness and was eventually institutionalized. Malcolm X's upbringing and experiences would shape his worldview and inform his activism in the years to come.

Malcolm X became involved with the Nation of Islam (NOI) in the 1950s, an organization that espoused black nationalism and separatism. As a minister in the NOI, he became known for his fiery speeches and uncompromising stance on racial equality. He advocated for a separate black state in the United States, believing that integration was impossible given the deep-seated racism and discrimination in American society. His views were …show more content…

He became a prominent voice in the civil rights movement and was increasingly recognized as a leader in his own right. He also began to distance himself from the Nation of Islam, after learning about the extramarital affairs of its leader, Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm X's break with the NOI led to threats on his life and, ultimately, his assassination in 1965.

Despite his relatively short life and career, Malcolm X remains a towering figure in American history. His advocacy for black self-determination and his willingness to confront white supremacy head-on inspired generations of activists and continues to resonate today. He challenged the idea that nonviolence was the only path to progress, arguing that self-defense was a necessary tactic for those facing violence and oppression. His message of black pride and self-respect also resonated with many African Americans who had long been taught to feel ashamed of their racial