Analysis Of The Film Inequality For All

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Documentary films are aimed at explaining or highlighting aspects that are essential for humans. The film Inequality for All raises the issue of widening income inequality in the USA. The documentary was presented in 2013 by American professor, economist and the former Labor Secretary Robert Reich (Inequality for All 1).
To understand the current state of an income inequality, it is essential to compare the earnings of an average typical worker and people at the top who compose 1%. In 1978 a typical 1% earned about $400,000 while the typical middle class worker got less than $50,000. Since then a lot has changed. In 2010 the average male worker got $33,000 and only 1% earned more than $1,100,000. Accordingly, the statistics say, “Today, the top 400 richest people have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans put together” (Inequality for All 1). What is also worth mentioning is that there …show more content…

Almost everything that is bought is getting cheaper. To reach this goal, companies are setting the lower wages for their workers. So, the companies are getting more profitable and consumers get low-priced products, but that in turn impacts the income of the working middle class. As a result, the typical worker gets less, but the number of so-called 1% people is dramatically rising.
It would appropriate to note the term “the law of one price” which is an economic theory describing the situation when identical goods cost the same in different areas and also the exchange rates are accounted. This concept influences the inequality of income because of its elimination of arbitrage opportunities for market traders.
According to the film, the fact that nobody wants to pay taxes has the right to exist. Such statement is undeniable. Besides, the higher prices along with the higher wages would not be worthwhile. The difference in the current situation would not be so substantial that it would make a great change in