
The Final Classification Of Government In The United States

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Today many people feel that the American government is due for a reform because they feel that it is inefficient. They feel that the process of getting a law passed takes too long, and that there is too much conflict between the legislative and executive branches. However, our government takes its time so it can take the measures needed to ensure that mistakes are not made. The United States government is functioning just how it should with a Federal, Presidential, Representative Democracy. There are multiple different governments in our world today. Neither is right nor wrong, for they are created based on the needs of the people. However, over the years, political scientists have developed ways to classify these governments. There are three …show more content…

The first relationship is a parliamentary government. In this government, the executive and legislative branches are combined. The prime minister and his cabinet is made up of the executive branch. They are then members of the legislative branch, or rather, the parliament. In other words, the executive branch is chosen by the legislative branch. This type of government allows for quick passing of the legislative branch because the prime minister is part of the legislative branch. However, this government doesn’t allow much representation. The people don’t get to decide who their prime minister is and if the prime minister wants to keep their job, they have to agree with the legislative branch. This creates less representation of the needs of the country because the prime minister will most likely not speak against the ideas of the legislative branch because if they did, another prime minister will be put in their place. This type of government would not work well in our country because the people would not be represented well. The people don’t get to choose who their prime minister is, and therefor they don’t have a say in what happens in their government. Mistakes would also be made because the two branches work intertwined to pass laws, so one doesn’t have to check the other. The prime minister could speak against the laws in which they think are negative to …show more content…

Here there is a separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches. They are independent of one another and coequal. The two branches regularly check, block or restrain the actions of the other branch. This system allows the opinion of each branch to be heard and considered on each law that is intended on being passed. While many are upset that this system is inefficient, it allows for mistakes to be prevented and each law to be thoroughly thought out by each branch. This is the best form of government for the United States because the people get to elect who their president is. They have an idea of who the person is like and the ideas that they have to improve our country. The separation of branches allows us to take our time in passing laws, which in return results in less mistakes being

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