
The First Mistake In To Kill A Mockingbird

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1. The narrator of the book is Jeanne Louis Scout Finch. She is smart, a tomboy and a good person. 2. The point of view from this book is first person. 3. The setting of the book is Maycomb, Alabama. The time period is in the 1930’s. 4. One theme revealed in the first chapter is good and evil. 5. The first mistake Scout makes is that Miss Caroline finds out she can read. Miss Caroline tells Scout to tell her father to stop reading with her because she thinks it will mess up the way she wants to teach Scout. The second mistake is that Scout knows how to write. Once again, Miss Caroline tell Scout to go and tell her father to stop writing with her because she won’t be taught writing until third grade. Her third mistake is she tries to explain to Miss Caroline why Walter Cunningham won’t take Miss Caroline’s money. Scout tries to explain to her that Walter is part of the Cunningham family but Miss Caroline feels that Scout is mocking her and she gets offended. 6. …show more content…

The WPA is the Works Progress Administration and Mr. Cunningham won’t work for it because he doesn’t want his land to go to waste and he doesn’t want to show that he’s poor to get the job. This shows that he is an arrogant person. 7. Atticus tells Scout that in order to get along with people better you have to put yourself in other people’s shoes and feel what they are feeling. 8. Atticus Finch is a good, kind person. “Jem and I found our father satisfactory: he read to us, played with us, and treated us with courteous detachment”. 9. Jem and Scout see Boo Radley as a very scary man who stalks kids. Atticus sees him as just a normal person that likes to stay inside. Miss Maudie thinks of Boo Radley as a normal person

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