The Fool In King Lear

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play. Especially, when the Fool first appearance is in Act 1, scene iv, after Cordelia had moved away with the King of France and Kent has banished out kingdom even after the storm and others disguiser figures, It seems, they are appearance on the stage at the same time frequently . Indeed, the Fool becomes Lear 's voice of reason and conscience, actually, Fool tries to move Lear 's Conscience at most times but when he feels that Lear seems to be torturing within his mind and heart, again he tries to calm him by the cleverly way ."The Fool sees or tries to see, the humorous potentialities in the most heart wrenching of incidents"(Knight,2005:187).: Lear. O me, my heart, my rising heart! but, down! Fool. Cry to it, nuncle, as the cockney did to the eels when she put ’em i’ the paste alive; she knapped ’em o’ the coxcombs with a stick, and cried ‘Down, wantons, down!’ ’Twas her brother that, in pure kindness …show more content…

Significantly he tells inconvenient truths to the King with the unbridled insolence of a conscience. The King’s descent into madness comes when, importantly, he banishes his Fool ' '.(2016:278).In fact, King Lear is a masterpiece of psychological insight into human nature. In this tragedy scene, the picture which Shakespeare has painted of King Lear becomes completely reversed here. Indeed, Many characters have flaws affecting their decisions in English literature, they made mistakes only to realize them later. Aristotle considers a flaw is a weakness in human mind when mistakes and errors in plot or direction caused actions to change in a tragic manner as described in the tragedies of Oedipus and Antigon. In fact, Lear is the victim of this flaw that he can physically see, but he is blind in the sense that he lacks insight and understanding which contribute to his decision against his innocent daughter Cordelia.

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