The Forgotten Storm Analysis

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How would you react when faced with a disaster? It is likely you would behave differently than other people in a disaster. This question isn’t difficult to answer after reading “The Forgotten Storm” by Akin E Wallace which discusses how former state senator F. M. Hewitt reacted when he was in De Soto during the time which the tornado stuck the town. Then compared to how Gulfport Mississippi police department maintenance supervisor Terrence Gray reacted in Hurricane Katrina’s wake in “In Katrina’s Wake” by Kelly Knauer. First, we start with F. M. Hewitt and how he reacted to the tornado in De Soto. The story starts with him just making his usual rounds through small surrounding communities near Carbondale. Then midafternoon he notices some unusual fading of daylight. Things quickly progress to the point where many people notice the strange occurrence, then recognize it as a tornado. But by the time that people notice the tornado for what it is they have little time to seek safety and shelter. Hewitt quickly rushed to try to get inside a neighbor’s house, so therefore same from the incoming tornado. That house was quickly picked up ten feet into the air once he got in, but then it …show more content…

He had parked his police vehicle on higher ground to make sure it is safe and then found a stray boat and used that to rescue survivors. He went around helping people from many houses giving them a safe way out of danger and potentially being stranded unable to get help themselves. He had helped many families even “…a family of 17 people…” (Knauer 2). Although it was difficult to get the grandmother to come at the beginning, he was able to convince her after talking to her for some time. Terrence was one of the more fortunate people in the disaster because his home didn’t have any damage except a few missing pieces on his roof, but nothing