The Future Short Story

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The Future

In the year 2216 in the summer in Miami Florida is where our story begins. This story is a fable about a 12 year old boy named Mc.Donovan but his full is Mc.Donovan Julio 's scrooge name and there was a 12 year old girl named Terra but her full name is Terra Dactyl. They go to the same school called Wet Wankas elementary to prove this school is the worst on earth is because it 's old fashioned like what is this 2016 secondly the name of our school when you first walk in is spelled wrong thirdly our mascot is a goldfish and our mascot is literally just a dead goldfish because they are too lazy to put in actual water so when ever he crowd surfs they just throw a dead goldfish in the crowd. Also there sports teams suck and the …show more content…

Terra see’s him and get’s angry and marches toward him. Mc.Donovan thinks it’s so cute when she marches when she’s angry.” What are you doing here kid from school don’t embarrass me in front of Donald Trump the fourth” said Terra. “ Weight you don 't know my name” said Mc.Donovan. “ Shut up he is talking” said Terra. Donald Trump the fourth is standing up there looking strong fierce with great hair and always wearing a business suit like always he was giving a speech in Miami about him being president. As he was talking and he sees these two guys in black suits passing of these blueprints were the part of the title is see able and it says PLANS TO DESTROY THE WORLD. So he starts to follow them and ends up falling because his shoe was untied and losses them so he ties it and walks toward them and sees them walk down a hallway and enter a secret passageway and enters it and follows the men into this high tech base with a bunch of guys in black suits and hides in the air vents. He climbs through the vents on to the top walkway behind a metal oil drum and here 's these other guys in black suits talking and one guy says” Here are the plans to destroy the world” …show more content…

“ I 'm tired” mumbled Terra. “No this won 't work out” said Mc.Donovan.” If we survive I will hook you up on a date with our teacher” said Terra. “Deal” said Mc.Donovan so they keep running and the guys in the back are like” Oh so they trying to give us the slip hu get on my back let 's do this” . So they were riding each other’s backs and chasing them. Finally the decided to hide from them and they went as maicanes in one of the stores. And they black guys in the suits stopped and saw them as manikins and they looked closely and said nothing suspicious here keep going. So they relax and sit down what do we do we can’t trust anybody anymore. I mean we don’t even have weapons” said terra scared.” Yes we let 's go to my house. So they go back to his house and they went in” I hope you 're right about these weapons” said Terra.” Here they are these are called zappers” said Mc.Donovan. He points to some laser tag blasters. “That could work” said Terra.”Let 's go” said Mc.Donovan. They head on out and head to Fluffy’s. They get in and sneak in the base. Then they have a big fight with them they zap a lot of people. Then a bunch of drones are in there trying to go for them but they

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