The Importance Of Technology To Improve Our Lives

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Since the 1900’s the human race has been trying to improve our lives by making technological advancements, from the phone, to radio, to the TV. Each work surpassing the next, humans turn out more and more technology to make life easier and more lazy for us. But if our skill to evaluate gets taken away, where would that put us? Where would the human race be if all we did was rely on technology to entertain us and failed to use our imaginations? Our ability to analyze critically would disappear. Where would the human race be if all we did was rely on technology to entertain us and failed to use our imaginations? The destruction and devastation of technology have already been shown to us, through mobile phones and their addicting ways, affecting people’s moods, eyesight and social interactions. Consequently, over using technology is certainly an unacceptable mania for humans, and those of the past, even wrote articles and stories telling of a world overrun with electronics and gizmos. …show more content…

A character is brought in and one is led to believe he can extraordinary wonders and feats, when in reality“quote him doing math” the all powerful human just does basic math problems on paper instead of a calculator. In that world, the whole populous relies on computers and electronics to the point of being stunned that the human brain is also able to accomplish what a computer could. This depiction of that world is not too far off from what our own world is today. Through the use of electronics we are losing our ability to complete basic tasks such as mental math, looking up answers in books, and contacting each other through the mail. Our moods and emotions are also heavily affected by the overuse of