The Gay Rights Movement

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The Gay Rights Movement Throughout history, social interactions among humans have caused great social injustices. Whether it be in Ancient Rome with Hammurabi 's Rule, or American history, injustices have been something that have always been present among human societal structures. American history has been full of social injustices. When America was first found, one of the injustices was racism, to which slavery was created. As time progressed, the Civil Rights Movement was born, as well as the Women’s Rights Movement. Though these movements have shaped what the American societal structure is today, the movement that has been on its rise to this day is the Gay Rights Movement. The Gay Rights Movement was created as a result of the Stonewall …show more content…

Being one of them, Randall Mann is a poet that primarily focuses on writing queer poems and giving a voice to those who cannot have one. Mann was born on 1972 in Provo, Utah. Though he never received proper “poetic” education, his teachers encouraged him to keep writing, and as a result, inspired him to take poetic workshops in colleges at the University of Florida. Randall Mann is mostly influenced by the poets Philip Larkin, Donald Justice, Elizabeth Bishop, and Neruda’s translations. Many readers of Mann’s work admire the beauty that it possess when it discusses the truth about unpleasant life experiences. With this, his work has been published in many publications, like “Poetry” and “Washington Post.” “Poetry” editor of the Kenyon Review said that Mann’s diction choice is that of Donald Justice, a famous American Poet, and many agree that his poems are often considered as the “most compelling pieces of writing these days,” though others state that the depiction of homosexuality in his work is radical. Mann was, and still continues to be strong about his sexuality and making it accepted in society, and because of this, he began to reflect ideas of queer interaction among men, and also queer representation in society in his poems. His work impacted the movement by giving a voice to gay men and gay lifestyle, aiding the movement itself by adding onto gay representation in …show more content…

As a result, many organizations and individuals have diligently worked to attain the rights of “normal” citizens for LGBTQ+ Community members. Through marches, riots, and instilling scientific research centers, the taboo of gay lifestyles have died down. Authors like Randall Mann have given this movement a voice by discussing past events that shape the gay community and the Gay Rights Movement, due to the fact that poem interprets the murder of two influential gay men and how it directly affected the LGBTQ+ community. Authors like him continue to give voice to the movement, striving for equality and an end to altered perceptions of the LGBTQ+ community in the